We are a Peopleware software company working to disruput the Layoffs process with our web 3.0 solutions:

  • Lucky Strike: No one wants to employ unlucky people, right? Our state of the art Monte Carlo simulation-based service will guarantee you get to keep only the luckiest!
  • Pink Slip NFT: Nothing shows you’re a modern company that cares for those deemed unworthy of working for you than giving them an NFT that can be traded, thus serving as severance
  • Passaralhocoin: Our unique blockchain solution: with enough coins you can destroy a Pink Slip NFT and keep your job!
  • Something Something LLM - ensure that each laid off employee gets a unique and heartfelt letter informing they are no longer economically viable

Why should I choose Passaralho over McKinsey?

As a web 3.0 lean startup that also dables in AI, we look much cooler when informing employees and investors that you are contracting consultancy services. Also we are way cheaper.